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PhD Students PDF Print E-mail

Other the past years I have supervised, or co-supervised PhD students most often in the domain of computer science and geographical information science. Current and graduated PhD students are listed below:

  • Gauthier Vigouroux, Sécurisation du processus de diffusion et d’utilisation des produits et services nautiques qui répondent aux enjeux de la e-navigation et leurs applications associées, PhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with Dr Pedro Merino and Ing. Nathalie Leidinger, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, submission planned in 2024.
  • Adib Salida, An Integrated Social Data Analysis with GIS to Enhance Homeland Security, PhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with Prof. Kifah Tout from the Lebanon University and Dr Chamseddine Zaki, submission planned in 2024.
  • Simin S. Mirvahabi, Next location prediction in moving object trajectory based on geometrical, temporal, and semantic information, PhD in Geomatics, PhD in Geomatics, co-directed with professor Rahim Abbaspour, University of Tehran, submission planned in 2023.
  • Maryam Maslek, Analyse de motifs et comportements des trajectoires maritimes, PhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with Dr. Cyril Day, submission planned in 2023.
  • Narjiss Bakhtyari, Des Outils de différenciation spatiale et de planification urbaine  en faveur d'une gestion locale d’une ville en mutation : Cas de la ville de NabeulPhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with prof. Hichem Rejeb, University de Bretagne Occidentale and University of Sousse, Tunisia, submission planned in 2022.
  • Semar Bahmad, Spatio-Temporal Data Modeling: Enhancing GIS by Combing a Specific Conceptual Spatio-Temporal Model (MADS) with Business Process Diagrams (BPMN), PhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with Prof. Abbass Nasser and Dr Chamseddine Zaki, Université de Bretagne Occidentale and Lebanese International University, submission planned in 2022.
  • Amin Hammami, A psycho-acoustic and geomatics approach for the representation of urban soundscapes, PhD in Geomatics, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, submission planned in 2022.
  • Younes Hamdani, A spatio-temporal hybrid model for geographic information, PhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with Dr. Remy Thibaud, 2020.
  • Mahdi Rahimi, Indoor Data Modelling for Developing Context-aware Services in Location-based Social Networks, PhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with prof. Mohamad Reza Malek, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, 1 March 2022.
  • Mohammad Hosseinpour, Socio-spatial influence maximization in location-based social networks, PhD in Geomatics en co-direction 50% avec le prof. Reza Malek, University of Tehran, Iran, September 2020.
  • Julien Desbonnet, International analysis of geographical information in coastal governance, PhD in Geography, in co-direction with Dr. Françoise Gourmelon (LETG, UBO), 2021.
  • Amin Hoseinpoor, Recognition of activity patterns based on semantic trajectories in urban environments, PhD in Geomatics, co-directed with professor Rahim Abbaspour, University of Tehran, 20 September 2020.
  • Zahra Bahramian, A context-aware ontology for a tourism recommender system, PhD in Geomatics, co-directed with professor Rahim Abbaspour, University of Tehran, 22 September 2017.
  • Willington Siabato, A metamodel for the integration of temporal and semantic components into geographic information, PhD. in Geomatics, submission planned in 2015. For a survey on temporel GIS research see the Timebliography project.
  • Dieudonné Tsatcha, Extraction and Representation of Maritime Environment Knowledge: A Framework for Navigation Applications, PhD in Computer Sciences, co-directed with Dr Eric Saux, 11th December 2014.
  • Jade Georis-Creuseveau, Les Infrastructures de Données Géographiques (IDG) Côtières : quels enjeux ? quels besoins ? quels usages ? quelles perspectives ?, PhD in Geomatics, in co-direction with Françoise Gourmelon (LETG, UBO), University of West Brittany, 5th December 2014.
  • Yann Flety, Territorialiser l'énergie, une approche géographique basée sur l'observation, PhD in Geography, in co-direction with Marie-Hélène de Sède (THEMA, University of Besançon), January 2014.
  • Imad Afyouni, Knowledge representation and management in indoor mobile environments, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, September 2013.
  • Géraldine del Mondo, A spatio-temporal graph model for the representation of the evolution of geographical entitites, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2011.
  • Jean-Marie le Yaouanc, Formalisation of an environmnental scene from its verbal description, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2009.
  • Mathieu Petit, A spatial approach to execution-context modeling in ubiquitous information systems, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2009.
  • Jean-Marie Kowalski, Thalassographeïn: Mesure, représentation et description des espaces maritimes en Grèce ancienne, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2009.
  • David Brosset, A modelling an cooperative learning approach for route description in natural environments, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2008.

  • Shaopei Chen, A multi-scale and multi-dimensional transportation GIS for the city of Guangzhou, China, PhD in Geomatics, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2008. 
  • Valérie Noyon, A relative view of spatio-temporal trajectories: Application to maritime navigation, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2007.

  • Yanwu Yang, Towards spatial web personalisation, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2006. 

  • Sébastien Fournier, An integrated multi-agent system and GIS for maritime navigation, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2005.

  • Rodéric Béra, An ontological approach for the analysis of topological relationships in spatial structures, PhD in Computer Science, Naval Academy Research Institute, 2004.

  • Cyril Ray, Distributed modelling and simulation of disaggregated phenomena, PhD in Computer Science,  Naval Academy Research Institute, 2003.

  • Adam Etches, A geospatial multimodal transportation database, PhD in Computer Science, University of Newcastle, 2001.

  • Kalin Penev, A real time GIS for the management of a traffic system, The Nottingham Trent University, 2001. 

  • Lou Mendonça , A spatio-temporal model for the study of land-cover changes, PhD, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, 1998.

  • Laurent Spery, Historical management and update of a geographical database, PhD in Geography, University of Avignon, 1999.

My research activties can be visually represented using the concept of "word clouds" that give prominence to words that appear most often. The image below has been generated from research papers published recently with some of my doctoral students.